Monday, November 10, 2008

A Budding Photographer...?

Jamie took this one day at the soccer field... he even took time to pose the cootie in different stages of coming in and out of the drink holder on the chair. There were at least 20 of these on the camera... just a sampling...

Jamie Cootie Pic 3

Jamie Cootie Pic 2

Jamie Cootie Pic 1

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Big Skate

We did a co-op on Tricky Pix and this is a pic Iona took.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Jamie's Self Portrait

Jamie's first self-portrait as an 8 year old...

Jamies Self Portrait

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Secret Friend

Ellowyn took a picture of her imaginary friend. I don't know his/her name or anthing about it for that matter, she's very secretive.

From By Ellowyn

Monday, October 27, 2008

Phantom of the Sisters

Ellowyn prefers working her lighting for unique effects. If you can't place this one, you might have been out of the Opera scene for, well, forever. This is MaKaely and my sister, Kim.

From By Ellowyn

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


This is from the same car ride I posted last week. Yeah, I was desperate to keep her quiet here people. I told her take a picture of herself and told her how and she did a great job. You can almost see into her nose ;)

EXTREME CLOSE UP of Cassie's Sweet Face (Cassie took this)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Cassie's Milk

Cassie took this with my camera phone while we were driving around one day. She likes her milk! Okay, I actually bought it to shut her up because she was Little Miss Chatter Girl. Didn't work. She got chocolate milk and I got a huge headache. I remember being SO excited when she said her first word. Yeah.

Cassie's Milk (Cassie took this)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good Sister Shot

Ellowyn has come a long way with her photography. I think it helps having a camera where the view finder actually works. I like the idea of the FisherPrice Camera, but this is the first money shot by my 2 yr old.

From By Ellowyn

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Caught in the act, pops!

Last month, Tom and his friend built the sandbox for Cassie. Here she has caught them taking a break... back to work, boys!

Cassie took of Tom and Robert

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Different Perspective

Jamie took this standing in the fort looking down to get a different perspective... might have a budding photographer on my hands?

Jamie took from fort - nice use of perspective (ha)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jamie's Self Portrait

You must admit... the kid did a pretty decent job... :)

Jamie Self Portrait

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Vacation Box

Cassie took this picture of the vacation box. What is a vacation box? Click HERE to find out.

Cassie took of Vacation Box

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Submarine That Tom Unbuilt

I may have the wrong submarine, but I think this is the one that Tom was on the decommission team for. If not, then it's the other one. They all look the same though. Trust me. We have a section of a wall with mementos from when Tom was in the military. Jamie likes this picture, so he... took a picture of it :)

Jamie took of the submarine Tom was on many years ago

Monday, August 04, 2008

A Pig In A TuTu

This is from a couple of weeks ago. It was in my mother-in-laws cabinet and Cassie wanted to take a picture of it. Alrighty then...

Pig In A TuTu (Cassie took this)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cassie takes a pic of big brother...

Jamie decided to be weird and Cassie grabbed the camera... a girl after my own heart!

Jamie Being Weird  (Cassie took this)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cassie's Trip to HEB

I finally gave up looking for the point and shoot camera and got another one. So the kids have the camera once again. Cassie took it on a recent trip with me to HEB and I thought it was so funny (it takes less than 5 minutes to get to HEB from our home) that I had to share the whole set. For whatever reason, this slideshow is backwards, but let's just pretend I have a clue. :)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have been a lurker for a since the beginning of the year sometime. So Sue Me. But I am here now, better late than never. I'm Jennifer and I have a 2 year old (Ellowyn) who got a pink Fisher Price *Hopefully Indestructible* Camera for Christmas.
This is Ellowyn's self portrait.

From By Ellowyn

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Annoying the dog...

Cassie didn't realize she was taking a video I think. Poor Julie just wanted to lay in the sun and catch some rays. You can hear her telling the poor dog "Do something!" *laugh*

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Structure Taken By Jamie

Structure Taken By Jamie
Originally uploaded by CandyTX
Jamie took this at one of the soccer games

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kabobs - Taken by Jamie

Kabobs - Taken by Jamie
Originally uploaded by CandyTX
We had kabobs for dinner last night... Jamie thought the red tomatoes were pretty so he took a picture :)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Noggin Pic Cassie Took

Noggin Pic Cassie Took
Originally uploaded by CandyTX
I don't know why she took it, but she did... it was on the TV and she was snapping away... I'm always amazed at what children choose to take a picture of.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Julie is BUSTED

Julie is BUSTED
Originally uploaded by CandyTX
Cassie took this... I'd say Julie is BUSTED - she digs the juice boxes out of the trash so that she can shred them

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jamie's 2 favorite girls

Jamie's 2 favorite girls
Originally uploaded by CandyTX
Jamie took this during Cassie's "Rock Show" we had to attend - only a few windows shattered from the high pitched screeching.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Shots from Disney

So here are a couple from Syd on our trip to Disney.

I told her over and over that a picture of something out the window at 6:30 in the morning would not come out and that the flash would mess up the picture. But I don't know what I'm talking about....right????

Here we are waiting to get in the park and she took my camera. She just wanted to take pictures. So here's a picture of Goofy!! Taken by Goofy (well a goofy 5 yr old!!!!) ;)

And, yes, she took a picture of my stomach. I didn't see her point it toward me and the next thing I know, she snapped it. She laughed hysterically..."I took a picture of your stomach!!!" Ah, to be 5 again!!!! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cassie Not Playing Nice

Cassie Not Playing Nice
Originally uploaded by CandyTX
Jamie took this a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, they made a deal to take each other's pictures, only Cassie changed her mind. What a little witch, eh?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Lego Star Wars scene found at the Brunswick Lanes in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Taken by Iona, age 8

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This isn't all that interesting...

....but still a picture my 4 year old took!! :) She concentrated on what I was holding and cut off my head!!! And it's a BIT crooked!!! LOL!!! Geesh, everybody's a critic!!! ;)

It's not really giving her a camera and letting her go, but it's her taking a picture! I'll try to do that this weekend and see what we get!!! :)